About Us
We're the Greensboro Crew
We're your web design experts! Our designers and developers are ready to help you make your website the best it can be.
Meet the Crew
The Greensboro Crew has transformed from a few friends with an idea into a solid team that genuinely cares about the clients they serve.
Marc's been working in tech for a long time now. With his passion for tech and small businesses, he keeps himself busy with innovative ideas for marketing and advertising.
Sales & Management
His passion for local business leads him to the local Greensboro business community where he is passionate about helping people find what they're looking for. After years of working in the Bay Area, this local business entrepreneur is always excited to work with local companies.
Sales & Management
The photographer who grew up photographing New York, he brought his keen eye to business photography in Greensboro. He wanted to help local businesses grow on the web and through photography.